Super Gro fertiliser 5 Liters

Super Gro fertiliser 5 Liters


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Supergro in Ghana 5L

Organic (Natural) fertilizers have many benefits for the soil and crop production. Unlike chemical (Inorganic) fertilizers, organic fertilizers reduce acidity in the soil and do not cause leaching. They do not kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Organic fertilizers also help improve the structure of the soil including the circulation of air, which sustains beneficial microorganisms that help release nutrients to the soil.

The major nutrient that crops such as maize require is nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Apart from these, growing crops also require micro-nutrients such as copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), calcium (Ca) and sulphur (S).

Natural (Organic) fertilizers have immense benefits for the soil and crop production. They add soil organic matter, improve soil structure and preserve essential nutrients that crops need in order to grow well.

The most important step farmers can take is to ensure that any organic fertilizer they use has these nutrients in sufficient quantities in order to provide their crops with adequate nutrients for each of them. Below are some of the organic fertilizers that farmers can buy in place of chemical fertilizers to restore soil fertility and get good crop yields and income.


Step 1: Fill the pond with water and add 1ml of Super Gro in 10 Litres of Water. Leave the water for 5 to 7 days so that Super Gro would have concentrate in the body of the pond.

Step 2: Empty the Pond and fill with a fresh water equal to the size you poured out. Leave the water in the pond for 5 days so that the fresh water will mix with the Super Gro you previously applied to the pond. Do NOT add/apply Super Gro at this stage. After the 5th days (Makes 12 days when you add the first 7 days to it), add your fish and leave it as long as you want them stay in it before you change the water. Once you are ready to change the water, repeat step 1 and 2 above.

It is advisable to have 2 Ponds for the purpose of applying Super Gro so that when there is a need to change the water in the first 10 to 12 days as explained above. When the fish is actively living in the Super Gro stimulated environment, you can prepare another pond for the 12 days and immediately add the fish to it when there is a need to change the water.


  • Super Gro promotes the uniform growth of fish. Your fish become bigger and the same size.
  • Super Gro naturally promotes the growth of phytoplankton inside the pond and this not only prevents the death of fish, it prevents the fish from feeding on each other.
  • Super Gro also reduces how often you need to change the water in your fish pond because it increases the amount of oxygen dissolving in the pond, reduces ammonia level and maintains the natural water PH in the pond.
  • Super Gro can be used in plastic, mud or concrete ponds.
  • In comparison to using organic manure, Super Gro is more hygienic because it prevents odour and scurrying.
    Super Gro is cost-effective. You only need 1ml of Super Gro for every 10 litres of water you use in your fish pond.

Apply as recommended for the best result. Anything outside that may result to loss